Monday, January 12, 2009

Endometriosis and Iron

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. As we know, nutritional supplements play a very important role in some culture in treating all kind of diseases. In this article, we will discuss how iron helps to treat endometriosis.

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I. Definition
Iron is a mineral with the chemical symbol Fe and atomic number of 26. Even though it only represents a tiny percentage in our body, it plays important roles in maintaining our body's functions with other minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, and copper. Deficiency of iron causes a variety of diseases while overdose of iron is toxic to our body.

II. How iron affects women with endometriosis
1. Red blood cells
Red blood cells is essential for circulation system. Women with endometriosis are found to have iron deficiency caused by heavy blood flow during menstruation or by the inability of the digestive absorption leading to anemia and symptoms of endometriosis such as fatigue, loss of memory, confusion, and dizziness as a resulting of circulation disorder.

2. Immune system
Immune system helps to fight against the invasion of virus, bacteria, formation of endometrial implants and adhesion. Deficiency of iron causes the inability of our blood to transport the necessary nutrients to our body's cells leading to a weakened immune system.

3. Nervous system
Since protein synthesis and fat metabolism by liver provide the necessary nutrients to our brain for regulating our body's daily functions. Iron increases the production of red blood cells which is vital for nutrient transportation in our bloodstream and helps to nourish a strong nervous system. Without enough iron, it causes tension in the nervous system resulting in endometrial symptoms.

4. Digestive system
Since iron is hard to absorb for our digestive system, study shows that only 10% of iron supplements are absorbed and may be even lower for women with endometriosis. Intake with vitamin C will help to increase the level of absorption by 30%.

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look on the bright side.

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